Monday, November 3, 2008

The Election

Three members of my Sunday Discussion Group predict Obama will win.  I am voting
for Obama, but I am not so sure he will win.  If the election is close, the Republicans will
sue, ask for recounts, challenge the voting process, and engage in various tactics to swing the election in their favor as they did in Florida.  And I don't trust the voting process in the
first place.  In my idealistic youth I voted for the Socialist Worker candidate, and my vote was
not counted!  No votes for that candidate!  Yes, I am a Socialist, and not embarrassed
to admit it.  We Socialists believe that the government should provide benefits to the
people like health care, education, clean water, bridges, and roads.  To do this, the
government has to tax, and the tax should be fair, that is, the rich pay more than the
poor.  But the government should stay out of our private lives.  I'm a Libertarian
when it comes to my private life. The government should
not interfere with my reproductive choices, my marriage choices, my sex life, my drug use, my religion, and my opinions   Stay out of my bathroom, bedroom, and study.  Leave me alone
already!  It's ironic that George W. Bush is a socialist, at least when it comes to Big Business. Why?  Well, look at the prescription drug program or medicare.  The big drug companies and insurance certainly benefit.  Who is making money on the wars he started?Consider the fact that he is more or less nationalizing the banks.  It's capitalism for the rich when they are making money, and socialism when they lose money.  Get it?  Win, win for Big Business!  On the other hand, he wants a nanny state when it comes to sex and drugs.
There are some contradictions here, as Marx would say.

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