Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Plum Creek Trashed

That's right the Plum Creek has been trashed again.  This is about the 5th time the workers
have plowed over the trail with their bulldozer or now with a huge grader.  The latest
damage is on the east side of the trail where the grader has basically destroyed the trail
for about 40 feet.  You have to dismount and go through the weeds.  Also, a while ago
they plowed out a section on the west side, which is still kind of ridable.  Obviously
the workers at the compost site don't know or don't care about the trail.  I understand
that the area is basically a composting site and dump area, and that mt. biking is
not respected.  Speaking of lack of respect the geese have left their droppings all
over the paved river path.  Of course, we can expect the geese to shit on the trails,
but I had hoped for better treatment from the humans.


Kyia said...

WHAT??? Dude, all our hard work has been bladed. Nice...

Ben said...

I don't thinks it's as bad as you made it to be. Nonetheless, it still sucks. If we want there is plenty of land to move the trail and would be very easy in those locations.