Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1985 Schwinn King Sting

This was my first mountain bike, bought at Granite City Schwinn Bike Shop in 1985 brand new.
At that time the shop was owned by Ray Fitch.  Later his son Dan took over, and then Mike
Baldwin.  When I bought the bike it was geared with toe clip pedals.  Somewhat later I single
speeded it, and put on flat pedals, but it still has the original brakes and handlebars.  The frame has been broken and welded together. When Mike White was in high school he rode it to school every day and threw it on the ground.  Nobody would steal it!  Now I ride it around town to the coffee shop the grocery store and so on and nobody messes with it.  It is too old and funky and battered to attract any attention.  Besides it weighs about 50 pounds.  Try and lift it!  It's ghetto,
man.  The guy who rides it must have too many DUIs!  Or the bum can't even afford a car!

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